Introduction to Rewire Your Foundation

As a Financial Therapist and Money Coach, it has been my objective to change how each of us relates to money so that we can create stronger communities, a more aligned connection to the earth and confidence with creating and leveraging money in our lives moving forward. I believe that we can create more connection and love in our lives if we have a health relationship with money. 

This course is focused on the 3 Pillars of a Healthy Relationship with money. Each week we will explore a different pillar. We need to have 3 Pillars strong in order for you to have an unwavering and powerful relationship with money. I am going to go deeply into each one of these pillars and you will have time to strengthen each one of them.

The 3 Pillars are Peace, Joy and Confidence. Take your time with each one of them. Throughout this entire course you will be listening to the Foundational HypnoTherapy Track. This will strengthen each one of the pillars individually as you work to integrate them. 

Listen to the short video for each day. Some days I will ask you to do an exercise and others I just want you to be present for the information and listen to the hypnotherapy. Each day is designed to awaken a place with in you that will strengthen the pillars. They are strategically designed to be easy and powerful. Try not to do more than one day at a time. Think about the content and allow your body and your mind to integrate the content.

This program is designed not to overwhelm you. It is not about MORE is better but about being present for what is.


This is Brenda St Louis. I will be your guide throughout the next 21 days. This course is designed to literally rewire your foundation with commerce, community and yourself. It is the most important thing you can do to set the stage towards a healthy relationship with money. 

As a Financial Therapist, Money Coach it has been my objective to change how each of us relates to money so that we can create stronger communities, a more aligned connection to the earth and confidence with creating and leveraging money in our lives moving forward. I believe that we can create more connection and love in our lives if we have a health relationship with money. That is why I have created this course and all the other subsequent Rewire Courses.

Expect to have your relationship to money change and deepen. 

Look forward to having more satisfaction in your life no matter how much money you have. We together are going to lay the foundation.

This course is focused on the 3 Pillars of a Healthy Relationship with money. Each week will will explore a different pillar. But before I go into that I want to talk about the number 3. 

3 Is the Strongest most balanced number. A triangle is the most stable shape, brides and buildings have all of their structural elements based on triangles. 

The power of 3 can be found all throughout nature and our neural programming. It is used in marketing and categorizing. We need the number 3 for strength and completion. 

That is the same for your Relationship with money. We need to have 3 Pillars strong in order for you to have an unwavering and powerful relationship with money. I am going to go deeply into each one of these pillars and you will have time to strengthen each one of them. Some people have may be one Pillar that is pretty strong and 2 that need work. Or maybe all 3 of them need work or you have two kind of strong. Let’s do this. 

The 3 Pillars are Peace, Joy and Confidence. Take your time with each one of them. But throughout this entire course you will be listening to the Foundational HypnoTherapy Track that will strengthen each one of these individually and at the same time. Why Hypnotherapy? I will go much deeper into that question in the next video. But the quick answer is we are changing subconscious programming around money and if you don’t actually address the subconscious everything is much more difficult. That is why working with money is so hard for people. We need to rewire the deep stuff. And create a strong foundation. A lot of times we start working on our money stuff but it is on top of cracks and holes. It’s the strength of your Foundation that will make everything easier moving forward. 

Throughout these 21 days:

You will also get acquainted with the 3 Money Archetypes that hold up each of these Pillars. The Wizard, Warrior and Wise Elder. This will also allow you to identify which one needs more work and how you can access these subconscious programs. There are actually 9 Money Archetypes which you can explore in more detail on my website at, but in this program we are just going to talk about the 3 Archetypes needed in a healthy relationship with money.

Doing the work this way in a step by step 21 day program will make everything else show up without all the struggle. You need to be consistent with the Hypnotherapy and listen to each lesson for each day and do the work. Things don’t change without you changing. It doesn’t have to be hard. The hypnotherapy is what makes it easier so don’t cheat on that. You want to listen to the track everyday. At night or in the morning or for an afternoon nap. Whatever works for you.

Comments and sharing are always welcome. We are building a strong community here. Community and being seen throughout this process are key ingredients to your success. Remember you are no longer alone in this. We are in this together now. Let’s get this party started. 

Complete and Continue  