This is Brenda St Louis. I will be your guide throughout the next 21 days. This course is designed to literally rewire your foundation with money, community and yourself. It is the most important thing you can do to set the stage towards a healthy relationship with money. 

You will engage in a daily Hypnotherapy Practise, short lessons with each Money Archetype and Pillar, Daily Affirmations and an Active Facebook group to build a strong and powerful community.

We will meet in a LIVE Zoom room every week to deepen the practise as a community. This will be a place to be seen and a container to release some of the blocks that may be limiting you from moving forward. Brenda has the Live Zoom Room Series scheduled twice a year. You are always welcome to be in the live session. This program is yours to explore forever. You are part of a community now.

Register by scrolling to the bottom of the page.

Hi, I'm Brenda St Louis. My official title is as a Financial Therapist and Certified Money Coach. But here is the full story.

It was April 2010, and I was in clown school. Blindfolded, we molded a chunk of clay into a mask. As I started to soften the clay, a strange feeling came over me. The room went silent. And this sentence kept repeating itself in my head: “You will transform the consciousness of money into a conduit for love and connection.” 

When the mask was finished, I took off my blindfold which was now soaked in tears. “What the heck do I know about money?” I was the most impulsive risk-taker I knew. Money had always been this weird thing that came and went whenever I needed it most. But the message was clear. From that moment on I knew my purpose on this planet. How I would do it was not so clear.

For the next five years, I studied with anyone who had something to teach me. I read ten books a week from the library! I went to school to study the financial industry. The more I learned, the clearer it was that a healthy relationship with money is key to creating healthy connections with ourselves, our community, and our world. That’s why I was called to this work.

Most of us are sleeping in a pool of stress and worry about money. And we need to wake up.

That’s what I do: I wake people up. I ENJOY my work because I see its power to change my clients’ lives once they rewire the old programs of lack and scarcity and experience how powerful, healing, and joyful our relationship with money can be.

You are not to blame for your money struggles. 

Financial choices don’t always make logical sense but they ALWAYS makes perfect emotional sense. The only way to truly banish our money struggles, stress, and overwhelm once and for all is to reprogram our deeply held money beliefs.

Money is the root of a whole lot of good. When we become stewards with our money, we can direct the flow into areas in our communities and the planet that support and change things for the better.

Brenda St Louis
Pillar of Peace

True generosity, a feeling of abundance and trust, a space of creation and manifestation.

Pillar of Confidence

Financial Literacy, the ability to deepen money wisdom, courage and focus.

Pillar of Joy

The wisdom to ask questions and learn how our money is used so that it honours the planet and the communities we live in.

Total Investment